Every piece that becomes part of our collection needs some attention after years of usage can be a minor clean-up, repairs, sanding, coating, or a new finish. We check both historically and on its functionality for each piece that comes in. We want to keep the piece as original as possible mainly because our customers value the authenticity of a years-old piece of furniture and the vintage look it radiates.

In our workshop, we aim for the best fitting outcome for a piece of furniture needs. We only work on a piece of furniture if it means we will improve it. We will not restore destroyed pieces that are no longer of value in our eyes. We clean, touch up, refinish, and restore small parts. The most significant part of the piece of furniture needs to stay authentic. Preferably we do as little as possible to keep the old look a vintage piece deserves.

We can provide if special adjustments need to be made to the client's wishes. We are also your partner in restoring the pieces you already own. We work in a small but dedicated and experienced team of woodworkers, metal workers, and carpenters. With over 20 years of experience in furniture, we know what is suitable for a piece and what's not. Feel free to inquire.
